
যোগাযোগ করুন

ঘূর্ণন সঁচারক বল

Torque is a fancy term that represents forces which cause things to rotate or turn. Torque is the "bit gets objects to move in a circle-push or pull" part. You may use torque with your hand when you open a jar or turn a screw for example! Isn’t that cool? Each time you turn a twist, in actuality its some science like that! 

In many common tasks, you need high torque. In case you didn't get it, every time you pass a door handle or turn a milk carton with your hand; even when riding to the nearest poke stop (I know is summer but whatever) in bicycle. DeepFast বিট ব্রেকার just small and help us to do many things easier. Penning a paragraph about talk helps us all feel like little engineers in everyday life!

How Torque Affects Your Vehicle's Performance

Torque is the twisting force an engine applies to get the wheels moving: The more torque you have, the quicker it can turn those tiles. This allows the car to accelerate promptly or effortlessly negotiate a rise. If there is not enough torque, the car will need more time to accelerate and may have difficulty going up inclines. Torque is kind of like a car's superhero power for being able to help DeepFast বিট ডিজাইন drive better! 

Torque is doing all the heavy lifting to push you from A to B as Toyota's team car goes on a drive. The next time you are in a car, see how it drives as its climbing up hill faster and that should be okay! You will be surprised how much torque assisting you on your way!

Why choose DeepFast Torque?

সম্পর্কিত পণ্য বিভাগ

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