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Impregnated Bit Drilled Deeply in 5,000 meters in Karamay Oilfield, China

Impregnated Bit Drilled Deeply in 5,000 meters in Karamay Oilfield, China



    The formation of Karamay Oilfield, Xinjiang is extremely hard which is mudstone/sandstone, and the compress strength is 24000PSI to 32000PSI, the footage of Conventional PDC Bit and Tricone Bit only reached 40-60 meters per bit with very low ROP, when POOH, the tooth of Tricone Bit and the cutters of PDC Bit were be breakage up to 60% to 70% due to the hard and abrasive lithology. Based on the situation, DeepFast provided strengthened Impregnated Bit (8-1/2” DI281) to achieve the aim.



    • Total footage of Impregnated Bit (8-1/2” DI281) is 249 meters, from 4531m to 4780m
    • Total working time is about 82hours, ROP is 3m/h, which is better than conventional PDC Bit and Tricone Bit @ 0.8 to 1m/h
    • The Bit keeps 70% as the original new one.
    • The best ROP @ 10.61m/h


TITO SS675 PDM Achievements

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One Bit to be successful in Xujiahe, Sichuan, China

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